Synonym: at a time, at one time, directly, forthwith, immediately, in real time, instantly, like a shot, now, right away, straight off, straightaway. Similar words: all at once, at one time, once, conciliatory, concert, concede, concern, concept. Meaning: adv. 1. without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening 2. simultaneously.
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(61) It is a physical impossibility to be in two places at once.
(62) When touching something hot,he whipped his hand away at once.
(63) Hal was seasick almost at once.
(64) You'd better encash your motorcycle at once.
(65) It was judged better to set out at once.
(66) We determined to leave at once.
(67) Anyone who starts picking fights is out at once.
(67) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(68) He commanded that man go at once.
(69) As regards Luther,I will write to him at once.
(70) He balled of that problem at once.
(71) He offered to go at once.
(72) All at once I tumbled to what he meant.
(73) Go at once while there is yet time.
(74) Will you please to come at once?
(75) The doctor decided to operate at once.
(76) She guessed the right answer at once.
(77) James will be back at once, hang on.
(78) Her words disarmed him at once.
(79) Umpteen of them all arrived at once.
(80) You had better set off at once.
(81) When I saw him I recognized him at once.
(82) His blue eyes were spangled at once.
(83) These orders must be followed at once.
(84) The archers drew their bows all at once.
(85) She at once recovered herself and stopped crying.
(86) 'Come here at once,' she snapped.
(87) I have to go, I really must, at once.
(88) Have her come in at once.
(89) I desire you to set to work at once.
(90) She saw through his excuse at once.
More similar words: all at once, at one time, once, conciliatory, concert, concede, concern, concept, once more, conceive, conception, concerning, concentrate, once in a while, concentrating, once upon a time, concentration, tone, get on, put on, act on, button, sit on, rest on, wait on, cotton, atop, count on, button up, report on.